It's been a little while since a post, I'm not really sure anyone checks this thing anyways ;) Well, here goes... I'm home at the moment. Last week we drove halfway across the country - all the way to Montana and Wyoming and back. It was a crazy trip really, exhausting for an old guy like me. The trip really put our bus to the test too. Sub zero temps, running 24+hours straight, and then turning right around to come home. Everything seemed fine all the way to Billings, and even down to Wyoming where the temp got down to zero. But then once the temp settled down near -15 we started to have problems that prevented us from making it home after the last show. Tired and stuck in a small town in Wyoming we weren't really sure what to do. Having stopped at a gas station about 40 minutes into our return trip home we noticed that the front of the bus was sitting super low. Buses like ours have an incredible air system - and by air I don't mean like AC. The air that is required for the air ride suspension, is the same air that is used for the braking system and to park the bus among other things. It's so important in fact, that there are two systems really, one being an auxiliary system just in case the primary goes out. Now you might be saying, "chris, aren't you just a guy in the band, shouldn't you be more worried about guitar-related things and not about the mechanical workings of a bus?" Well yeah that's a good point. And I can't really say I wish that were true because deep down I love this kind of stuff. I enjoy being the guy that has the privilege of getting to the bottom of such problems and then making it all work again. I have some good support from the guys too. So back to Wyoming... We barely had enough clearance between the tires and the wheel wells by the time we were done fueling to even make a mild turn and park the thing over night. Having done so in the nick of time we decided to just let it sit and deal with it in the morning. Well I awoke to the lovely smell of diesel fumes and -15 degree weather at about 6am. The bus was now sitting even lower and the engine was doing its' best to stay alive in the frigid weather. Long story short, some great guys that had helped with the show the night before came by later that morning and brought some portable diesel heaters and a tarp. We aimed the heaters at the frozen air lines and sure enough in no time the bus began to rise to its' normal level. They helped us get it down the road to a shop where they even took care of our bill! Wow - we couldn't believe it. We were back on the road that evening and made it all the way home in about 24 hours thanks to some amazingly generous people in Wright, Wyoming.
So here I am at home after all that has transpired and I'm still feeling fairly shocked because now a diesel mechanic friend of ours here in town put a new compressor on the bus for us basically free of charge. I'm thinking wow God is pretty awesome. But low and behold right when the bus is suppose to leave town tonight to do a run with some friends of ours for the weekend - boom! the bus springs a massive transmission leak. Literally transmission fluid everywhere just a few hours before our driver was going to take the bus out tonight. It's cold here in our home town as well, not nearly Wyoming temps, but close enough to not feel the difference. So needless to say I'm bummed, our driver is bummed, the other band is bummed. I'm left trying to figure out how to tow the thing to a 24hr shop, but hear that the other band found a backup bus and we're off the hook for the night. I deserted the bus and came home - which is where I sit now.
So I'm thinking 'why does all this stuff happen?' Even in the midst of God's grace in the other mechanical situations It's still my nature to feel bummed out in the here and now. We've definitely been through somewhat of a tough time lately just as many people have with their finances and trying to figure out how to pay for things like this... you know sanctus real isn't as popular as miley cyrus (sarcasm), and to be honest there has been a lack of shows lately and a lack of income because of it. There have been some serious sacrifices we've made this year to keep this thing going and to be honest a lot of questions being asked as to how to push forward in a way that makes the most sense. I'd be lying if I said we didn't feel insufficient, insecure, or talented enough to continue to make music in an industry that is more competitive than anyone this side of the dial would ever let on. We definitely struggle with feeling 'good enough.' Someone always has a 'better' song or sells more records or has a more successful tour, a better site, a better amp, or cooler merch to sell. I convince myself that that is it - someone always has something better to sell....
So with these thoughts of defeat in my head I sit down now and somehow land on our band website. I start to read stories from our 'Forgiven' page. I guess In the midst of everything else I too easily and all too often forget that after almost 13 years of doing this we actually do have music out there that connects with some people on a heart level. Maybe it connects with them more than me even. And that's when it hits me tonight - reading these stories, that most of these people get 'it' more than I do. By that I mean the grace that comes with Forgiveness. God's desire to cleanse us of everything that separates us from Him is a freedom that these people have found. Though I have not experienced some of the tragedies those that have shared have, I find myself in the same place... desperately needing forgiveness for so many things and ways of thinking. Ways that I have convinced myself I'm not good enough. The habit of overlooking the positive to only see the negative. The lie that I'm suppose to be selling something that's better than what the other guy is selling when all the while I should be pedaling grace.
I'm encouraged by the stories I've read tonight. And I'm not going to worry about the transmission on the bus, or how we're going to pay for it. Or about where our songs sit on the chart, but instead I'm going to be concerned with accepting forgiveness. Most importantly so that I can move on and experience a life more full of grace. A life where I understand that a God that is entirely concerned with our redemption will not let me idle in a state long enough so that I would be unable to accept that redemption.
Isaiah 55:6
Seek God while he's here to be found, pray to him while he's close at hand. Let the wicked abandon their way of life and the evil their way of thinking. Let them come back to God, who is merciful, come back to our God, who is lavish with forgiveness.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
a day in the life?
on the eve of our new single FORGIVEN being released I decided it would be appropriate to start a 'simple' kitchen project. ridiculous? yeah it kind of was. we had an old sink and faucet. the sink was awkwardly shallow and I could never wash many dishes at once. ok enough of the boring reasons why, since we have a week off I figured it would be cake. long story short I bought a sweet black cast iron sink which was super heavy. installed the faucet and mounted in the counter and discovered my counter top was far from level. couldn't keep the sink and had to get a stainless one which was way lighter and flexed enough to make up for the poor countertop. not that any of this is interesting, but today I finished it up all by myself - even installed the disposal. good news is that all my fingers are still intact and I didn't have to buy a new countertop. definitely not in the mood to do any dishes, which is why I'm writing this instead. (awkward face in picture is intentional I'm pretty positive)

Sunday, October 11, 2009
October already?

We finished up the shows with Phil Wickham last month and now we're out with Addison Road. It's been a whirlwind for various reasons but I'm just happy to be out with great people and such great crew. We have 3 crew guys on the bus and they set up a pretty unbelievable show every night. We'll only be out for one more week and then it will all be over. It's been so much fun playing new songs every night and hearing the response. You can check out our newest single 'Forgiven' on our site right now and I'm pretty sure it will be on itunes later this month. We'll be heading back to record the final songs for the record in early November. I'll try to keep things a little more current on here before the year gets away from me.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Here we go
I've been eating oatmeal in the mornings lately. Dominique makes it on the stove. We throw in some almonds, dried cherries, brown sugar. It's been a good routine. It helps me to get a better start on my days - at least the days that I'm home. I'm a routine kind of guy. I like to change my guitar strings every 3 shows. I like to cut the grass in alternating patterns from week to week. And this week I think I'll have a whole new set of routines to learn. We made a ridiculously big and overdue step as a band. We finally bought a bus! This ain't no van. I mean I need to learn how to dump the toilet and service the generator. This is serious stuff my friend. So I'll be busy learning some new routines - if you have any advice let me know.
So we rolled into our first show with the bus up in Minnesota. Sonshine Festival is always a good time. I actually found a picture of us playing it back in '03. Crazy to think it's been that long since we started playing festivals in such distant lands as Minnesota. When we pulled up this year though we heard some cool fresh music on mainstage. I'm probably a bit behind, but check out Tal and Acacia if you get a chance. Way cool melodies.
Anyways. See you on the road (hopefully with my oatmeal in hand from now on)
So we rolled into our first show with the bus up in Minnesota. Sonshine Festival is always a good time. I actually found a picture of us playing it back in '03. Crazy to think it's been that long since we started playing festivals in such distant lands as Minnesota. When we pulled up this year though we heard some cool fresh music on mainstage. I'm probably a bit behind, but check out Tal and Acacia if you get a chance. Way cool melodies.
Anyways. See you on the road (hopefully with my oatmeal in hand from now on)

Saturday, June 20, 2009
June, be nice and don't go so fast
Ok - one thing is for sure in 2012 I'll be rockin' the same laptop but with moon leopard osx. And I'll have a sweet stache like this.
How often do you eat chicken? Dan and i were talking about chicken the other day. We eat a lot of it. Not on purpose though, it just happens. Wendy's, Ralphies chicken chunks, Chic-fil-A, Zaxby's, chicken wings... but it made us think that we really don't ever see chickens - real live chickens that is. Then we thought what if we were the only people left on Earth and we were stuck on a chicken farm. Would we even know what to do in order to survive?
*note to self* learn how to raise chickens by 2012.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
It seems that Sunday has been the day that I'm allowed to relax a little the past few weeks! So here I am again. Got home way too late last night from our show in Michigan. But what a great night it was. We got to play with our good friends from The Afters. It was freezing cold out and the stage was setup in a wave pool at theme park. Pretty random. They had drained most of the water out though - all except for an algae filled puddle in the deep end. By the time we played it had to be barely 40 degrees out, very brisk and very good for my old buddy pertussis. Got through the show though and had a great time with our friends in Michigan. Again, sorry I have no pics ;(
Matt and I spent some time writing songs in Nashville last week with some other writers. It was a good experience, but a crazy schedule. Four sessions in two days. We got around with a sweet Kia we rented though. Funny note - when we flew up to Michigan to meet the guys our flight was late so we had to get another rental to get to the show instead of getting picked up. Had to go with the Kia again. Pretty stinkin awesome. Again, wish I had pics.
Ok - so here is a pic. It is Sunday - I am relaxing and surfing the web a bit. Check this out. I've never heard of these pre-fab houses before. But they look pretty rad.
Matt and I spent some time writing songs in Nashville last week with some other writers. It was a good experience, but a crazy schedule. Four sessions in two days. We got around with a sweet Kia we rented though. Funny note - when we flew up to Michigan to meet the guys our flight was late so we had to get another rental to get to the show instead of getting picked up. Had to go with the Kia again. Pretty stinkin awesome. Again, wish I had pics.
Ok - so here is a pic. It is Sunday - I am relaxing and surfing the web a bit. Check this out. I've never heard of these pre-fab houses before. But they look pretty rad.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Whoop there it is
Here we are in May already. What in the world is going on? I'll tell you what's going on. Or more like, what's been going on for a very ridiculous amount of time with me... meet my friend, his name is Pertussis. It's a horrible name really, so I call him the whooping cough. Yeah - he's been hanging around since that time way back in February. I found out I had it a few weeks back after visiting the doctor for the 4th time and finally having some blood taken and sent to the lab. It's no longer contagious, and when it was contagious I more than likely didn't even have the cough. He's a nasty little friend and I haven't been able to ditch him quite yet. Anyways - I really haven't been myself most of the year because of it, just kinda scrapping by on fumes since he likes to keep me up at night. I'm really hoping he leaves me alone soon though.
So, onto better news. We tracked some new songs this past week! What a crazy week it's been. Started with a hometown show one day, flew to Texas to play the next (on stage performing when just a few miles away the cowboys training facility blew down) ended up in Nashville most the week recording (and sleeping in Jeremy Camp's basement) Wound up back in Ohio for a show in Columbus - couldn't stop there so we flew to Florida to play with some of my favorite bands at Busch Gardens, then finally made it home for Mother's day. One box of tissues later and many cups of coffee and we managed to record 3 songs of which we are all crazy excited about. I can't even wait to see how the rest of the record shapes up! We were pretty busy on a limited time schedule so I wasn't really in picture mode, but I think DAN might have some pics. His blog is way better anyways. Oh and for the record Dan bought the microkorg. Which is a pretty cool little machine.
I also forgot to mention we have a sweet management team. One of the guys that manage us had us over for dinner while we were recording and his wife made us feel like we were home with some great pasta and dessert. Delish. Did I mention we have a sweet management team?
Well I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. Was pretty rad over here. I just got done doing the dishes. It's my nightly duty. "Maybe it's time for a new duty"
So, onto better news. We tracked some new songs this past week! What a crazy week it's been. Started with a hometown show one day, flew to Texas to play the next (on stage performing when just a few miles away the cowboys training facility blew down) ended up in Nashville most the week recording (and sleeping in Jeremy Camp's basement) Wound up back in Ohio for a show in Columbus - couldn't stop there so we flew to Florida to play with some of my favorite bands at Busch Gardens, then finally made it home for Mother's day. One box of tissues later and many cups of coffee and we managed to record 3 songs of which we are all crazy excited about. I can't even wait to see how the rest of the record shapes up! We were pretty busy on a limited time schedule so I wasn't really in picture mode, but I think DAN might have some pics. His blog is way better anyways. Oh and for the record Dan bought the microkorg. Which is a pretty cool little machine.
I also forgot to mention we have a sweet management team. One of the guys that manage us had us over for dinner while we were recording and his wife made us feel like we were home with some great pasta and dessert. Delish. Did I mention we have a sweet management team?
Well I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. Was pretty rad over here. I just got done doing the dishes. It's my nightly duty. "Maybe it's time for a new duty"
Sunday, April 5, 2009
See, I was kidding...
I waited til it was April, not March. Oh man. So really no joke though, that cold I talked about waaaay back when... well I still have it. Or a version of it. I don't know what has been up with me lately. I've been trying to enjoy some time off here at home but have had some serious issues! I now have a cough that I'm sure has disturbed our neighbors, been to the doctor twice, had one x-ray, polished off a bottle of robitussin and a bottle of antibiotics, blown through 3 boxes of kleenex, and sustained a weird neck injury requiring muscle relaxers and lots of ice. But on the bright-side my wife and son are healthy and still love me! And I've somehow managed to set up a pretty cool recording rig (slash) studio in order to stay productive by recording band demos for the next record. (cough cough, gag gag...) That kind of sums up the last month - at least the past 2 weeks ;) My Dad thinks I'm allergic to a new mattress I bought right around the time I started to get sick.
I'm currently investigating this theory.
Let's just say I'm excited to get feeling better and for spring to hit, although we're expecting snow tonight.
I'm in a good mood tonight though. I watched some of the Academy of Country Music Awards. I then talked to Pete and told him to bring his slide this week to the studio. He said it's already been packed and is ready to go. Also this weekend Dominique and I had a great date night. Check this out - dropped off the little guy at his grandparents, went to Cracker Barrel, then went to a cheap movie at the Maumee Theater. And that's how a guy from sanctus real spends Friday night at home if you ever needed to know.
still my two favorite people...

the rig before completion... (looks much cooler now)

king of the castle...

current favorite record...

my next tax write off?

And I must mention my favorite thing I found on the web tonight!
goodnight everybody -
I'm currently investigating this theory.
Let's just say I'm excited to get feeling better and for spring to hit, although we're expecting snow tonight.
I'm in a good mood tonight though. I watched some of the Academy of Country Music Awards. I then talked to Pete and told him to bring his slide this week to the studio. He said it's already been packed and is ready to go. Also this weekend Dominique and I had a great date night. Check this out - dropped off the little guy at his grandparents, went to Cracker Barrel, then went to a cheap movie at the Maumee Theater. And that's how a guy from sanctus real spends Friday night at home if you ever needed to know.
still my two favorite people...

the rig before completion... (looks much cooler now)

king of the castle...

current favorite record...

my next tax write off?

And I must mention my favorite thing I found on the web tonight!
goodnight everybody -
Monday, February 23, 2009
Squirrels and the Bachelor
It's been a while. Wait, maybe I should re-phrase. It's been a looong while ;) So my home internet connection has been down all month. Turns out squirrels get bored up in Ohio during the winter and like to chew on cable lines. The cable guy comes over today to 'fix' it and of course it was working today right before he arrived. He said I have a miracle modem because his little computer showed that I shouldn't be getting anything coming down the line. Weird, but that's cool. It's working at the moment and my wife is sucked into watching the bachelor this season for some reason so now is a good time to write.
The band just got off an incredible tour this weekend. We had the privilege of going out with some great guys and working with WayFM. If any of you were able to come out I really hope you enjoyed it! We couldn't believe how many people showed up every night. I feel like the whole thing was a dream since it was such a short run. But I really felt blessed to be part of something that reached so many people every night. I'm hoping to get some video from the last show at some point. I unfortunately lost my camera battery charger a while back, so that explains the lack of road pictures. It's time to get one though I think because already so much has happened this year. We've been super busy writing songs for the next record and I'm happy to say that things are rolling right along.
We have a few days to recover before we head back out. I think I have a bit of a cold coming on. I'm hoping the zicam comes through for me this time.
til next month ;) just kidding...
The band just got off an incredible tour this weekend. We had the privilege of going out with some great guys and working with WayFM. If any of you were able to come out I really hope you enjoyed it! We couldn't believe how many people showed up every night. I feel like the whole thing was a dream since it was such a short run. But I really felt blessed to be part of something that reached so many people every night. I'm hoping to get some video from the last show at some point. I unfortunately lost my camera battery charger a while back, so that explains the lack of road pictures. It's time to get one though I think because already so much has happened this year. We've been super busy writing songs for the next record and I'm happy to say that things are rolling right along.
We have a few days to recover before we head back out. I think I have a bit of a cold coming on. I'm hoping the zicam comes through for me this time.
til next month ;) just kidding...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
dare i say it?
Super excited right now. I think something huge happened today! I'm not one to hype things too much, but I think after a full day's work we may have just written my new favorite song!! haha! Victory! Now's the time to sit on it and let it stew. Wait to see if it hits me as hard tomorrow. Like a good chili - it always tasted better after a night in the fridge right? Let's hope ;)
In other news, bummed I missed the office yesterday. I wonder if it was any good. I know what will be good though, that's coming up next wednesday on ABC. oh man. WE GOTTA GO BACK!
In other news, bummed I missed the office yesterday. I wonder if it was any good. I know what will be good though, that's coming up next wednesday on ABC. oh man. WE GOTTA GO BACK!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
maybe the kid needs his own blog
ok, so I think I might be turning into that parent that always posts pics of their kid on the web. well maybe not too bad. But he's just so awesome! This is his super hero pose. Sorry for the delay in posts lately. The past few weeks have been somewhat relaxing and the old brain has been in non-blog mode. BUT it's time to move on, it's time to get goin. what lies ahead i have no way of knowing. What better way to kickoff a blog hiatus than with some t.p.?
So the band did an impromptu recording session last week. 2 songs in 2 days. FUN FUN. Seriously though, it was. I'm thinking this new record is going to have some cool flavor to it. I regret I did not have my video camera on hand in the studio. Seriously, never again. There was some cool stuff going down. Including a new found piece of equipment known as the 90's meter. I guess you guys aren't ready for that, yet. But your kids are gonna love it. HA! and a BTTF quote to boot.
I'm feeling goofy for some reason. Could be the caffeine. Dominique made a great breakfast this morning. lots of sugar though.

Well, this week we're getting together to write some more songs. It should be cool. It's going to get down to 0 degrees here tonight. Not cool. But hey that's the joy of living in the midwest.
See ya!
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