I waited til it was April, not March. Oh man. So really no joke though, that cold I talked about waaaay back when... well I still have it. Or a version of it. I don't know what has been up with me lately. I've been trying to enjoy some time off here at home but have had some serious issues! I now have a cough that I'm sure has disturbed our neighbors, been to the doctor twice, had one x-ray, polished off a bottle of robitussin and a bottle of antibiotics, blown through 3 boxes of kleenex, and sustained a weird neck injury requiring muscle relaxers and lots of ice. But on the bright-side my wife and son are healthy and still love me! And I've somehow managed to set up a pretty cool recording rig (slash) studio in order to stay productive by recording band demos for the next record. (cough cough, gag gag...) That kind of sums up the last month - at least the past 2 weeks ;) My Dad thinks I'm allergic to a new mattress I bought right around the time I started to get sick.
I'm currently investigating this theory.
Let's just say I'm excited to get feeling better and for spring to hit, although we're expecting snow tonight.
I'm in a good mood tonight though. I watched some of the Academy of Country Music Awards. I then talked to Pete and told him to bring his slide this week to the studio. He said it's already been packed and is ready to go. Also this weekend Dominique and I had a great date night. Check this out - dropped off the little guy at his grandparents, went to Cracker Barrel, then went to a cheap movie at the Maumee Theater. And that's how a guy from sanctus real spends Friday night at home if you ever needed to know.
still my two favorite people...

the rig before completion... (looks much cooler now)

king of the castle...

current favorite record...

my next tax write off?

And I must mention my favorite thing I found on the web tonight!
http://makechangecampaign.blogspot.comgoodnight everybody -
sorry about ur cough chris. hope u feel better. and ur baby is very adorable, and of course he's the king of the House! every baby is. trust me, i know=)
o and u rock! love ur band's music!
feeel better, mister!!!
i've had major allergy/sinus troubles for at least a year now...so i feel your pain. I also have stupid back muscle knots and neck pain... so i know how Un-fun that is... i can't imagine having to play shows while being sick and hurt!
i'll be praying that you can kill that sickness monster! he's vicious.
p.s. your wife and son are precious.
Hey sweetie
So glad you got a chance to blog, hopefully by now you're much better. Thanks for uploading those pics, what a beautiful family, Josiah is an ADORABLE king! Enjoy your new tax deduction and room. Cant wait to see you in May, hopefully you guys will have new songs ready.
Have a wonderful blessed Easter!!!
Much love to all of you...
Chris, it's good to hear from you again, hope you're feeling better soon. Your family is adorable! And it's nice to hear that a guy from Sanctus Real spends his Friday nights a lot like the rest of us :)
Can't wait to hear some of your new music!!
Sorry to hear your sick, glad the fam is doing well!! Get better soon!!
I could agree with your dad. You know, some people are allergic to the chemicals in new carpet. When it's installed in their house they get really sick. Of course, nobody would know until it actually happens because it's not like you get new carpet everyday. Well, maybe the same thing happens with a mattress.
Anyway, good to see you're blogging again. Hope you're doing well.
BTW, I went with the Taylor in case you're wondering.
Chris!good to hear from you.Josiah is getting so big.he's a cutie.
can you please tell me when is the new record coming out?...
have a great day, friend! ;)
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