I'm getting old. Older that is. My birthday was a few days ago. I'm feeling pretty good though and I'm finally done coughing. So here we are almost done with June and I'm just getting back to normal. The year is halfway over and that means we're just getting closer to 2012. Let's make some predictions. In 2012 will anyone have topped the iPhone? Will anyone buy CD's anymore? Will rock and roll come back to life, because whatever it is I'm hearing on mainstream radio stations today is not the stuff dreams are made of ;) Seriously though... when I wanted to learn how to play guitar it was all about my name is jonas and not about 3 kids playing air guitar. But again I guess I'm just getting old.
Ok - one thing is for sure in 2012 I'll be rockin' the same laptop but with moon leopard osx. And I'll have a sweet stache like this.

Also this week I got a wicked flat tire, but discovered the spare kit in my car included some creepy white gloves. proof shown here. I had to snap a pic. The tire went flat and my alternator decided to go all at once. I think I unknowingly traveled through some weird electromagnetic field. I was near a hospital when it all happened. *note to self* always be ready for a flat tire and don't be afraid to wear gloves if you find some hiding with the jack.
How often do you eat chicken? Dan and i were talking about chicken the other day. We eat a lot of it. Not on purpose though, it just happens. Wendy's, Ralphies chicken chunks, Chic-fil-A, Zaxby's, chicken wings... but it made us think that we really don't ever see chickens - real live chickens that is. Then we thought what if we were the only people left on Earth and we were stuck on a chicken farm. Would we even know what to do in order to survive?
*note to self* learn how to raise chickens by 2012.
I worked on a farm with chickens. I think people hate chickens enough that only a select few can actually farm them. That's why you don't see them around very much. But yeah, you should definitely learn to clean a chicken. It's a good skill to have in your back pocket... :-)
So did the creepy white glove fit? Or must you acquit?
You know, by 2012 if you started right now you could have a KILLER 'stache! Just imagine how long you could get it in 2.5 years!
Hope you're doing well. Still praying for you.
This is an awesome blog old man! glad you're feeling better. Hope your 1st Fathers day was amazing. Good luck with the chicken thing, lol. Much love to you and the family. Be blessed!
ive always been a fan of sanctus real but when i saw you at sonshine i was really blown away. i love the sounds you get on guitar; the atmospheric and delay type stuff. i was wondering if maybe you had some pics of your pedal board anywhere? or could possbily point me in the direction of how to get those types of sounds. i play electric guitar for the worship team in my youthgroup. you're obviously incredibly busy so i hardly expect a timely response, or a response at all for that matter. it would be much appreciated tho. thanks again, you guys rock!
Oh wow yeah,hope you feel much better.
Prayering for ya always my friend,
Stephanie G
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