Hey, sorry for the long delay in updates lately. WOW, I'm terrible huh? Where to start ? I guess where I left off... bought the Coldplay record on the Tuesday it came out on a drive to Kentucky. Actually bought the last copy at a starbucks somewhere in Marion, Ohio - which btw is the hometown of none other than mr. Dan Gartley. He was not there on this day though, which is probably why I was able to buy the last copy. So that was fun. Also sometime in June was my birthday! Yes - I turned 18, well not quite. But I did get some sweet gifts. I'll mention two of them; an apple TV and a model airplane my dad made. Pretty awesome. We had a good old fashioned cook out and I dropped some burgers between the grate in the grill somehow. Dominique got me a sweet Reese's ice cream cake from Friendly's. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. We played some fun shows in June. One was at stone mountain in Georgia. It's called stone mountain because there is literally a mammoth stone that sticks out of the ground at this park. It supposedly stretches miles beneath the earths surface too. We got to the top via a ski lift contraption. I snapped some pictures, but it's really hard to tell what it really looked like, plus there are two dudes in the background sporting their farmers tan. Anyways, Dan and Pete decided to walk down the mountain before showtime. I think they were pretty tired. I did get a cool picture of us flying over St. Louis. Don't remember what flight that was, probably on the way home form Texas. Anyways - it's pretty cool to see the arch from a plane.... Somewhere in Colorado we were spotted on a 'no alcohol beyond this point' sign. We all got a kick out of this. And sometime in June I had a chance to pick up some genuine Mexican Coke.
It's good to hear from you again! Glad to hear you had a good birthday! ;)
Hey, I recognize that little city in the picture! :P LOL. I drive through there quite often...
Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl yet? :D
Have you seen my birthday present for you? That video...
I know I've already asked you but you never told me...This is the last time I'm asking you, i promise haha...but please let me know.
Nothing beats a mexican coke. Oddly, this gas station on my way to work now sells them. Totally random, but i'm not complaining. Tuesday is the big day, huh? Have fun in Cinci.
Ah yes, mexican coke..I've had african coke..thats tasty! :D
yay, a long blog and pics - perfect, thanks for sharing. Glad you had a wonderful bday and lots of nice gifts :-)
Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.
Please let us know what's the baby's sex as soon as you find out...
Much love to you, family and friends.
Be blessed!
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