Hello there. It's Saturday night and we're getting more than 3 hours of sleep tonight! We're in Tulsa... again. Played at the Mabee center... again. But every time is a blast, seriously and tonight was no exception. To top it off Pete bought me an authentic glass bottle coke from Mexico. It's the best coca cola out there. Last night we were in California - again as well. Wish we could only stay longer than 15 hours one of these times. We played the Fox theater in Visalia. Amazing theater. Won't be long before some other really great bands hit that stage too, ie. Foreigner. Anyways, I'm super tired and don't have anything too heady to type out at the moment. But since you chose to check this out I'll leave you with a tiny morsel to chew on. Enjoy.
i hope you & the other lads are FAB!
i just wanted to let you know that i absolutely love your blogarooney to the max!
& i want to encourage you to keep writing because your words really hit me in the heart!
[i cried while reading your post about your grandma!]
i hope your back&leg are feeling wayyy better and that you're shiny & new.
i'll be praying my little heart out that the rest of the tour is stellar. & that i get to reunite with you boys again soon! come back to Virginia Beach! :]
p.s. the record = PHENOMENAL.
Mexican Coke is the best. I never could find it and just recently it popped up in 3 gas stations by my office. Random. But Great.
Romanian Coke is good too!
If Sanctus Real comes to Romania, i'll buy them as many Cokes as they want!! Haha.
What do you think?
Hey, your sign is bigger than Foreigner's and all 5 of you combined don't even equal how old one of them are!
it was so good seeing you @ mel-o-creme today... you guys are always on my mind!
... i totally forgot to tell you... hopefully i'll see you guy next week @ the Dove Awards!!! my mom and i, and my best friend, are going to be seat-fillers during the awards and so hopefully we can cross paths at some point! ... i'll keep my eye out for you guys!
hope to see ya soon!
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