So for some reason this morning when I woke up and the sun was shining through my dustless blinds and onto my gleaming floor I was reminded of a funny thing that happened on the third day tour. I, as usual, can't remember what city we were in but Dominique and I took a walk from the venue one day out into the town. Someone from the show warned us not to go too far as it was a bad part of town supposedly. It was the middle of the day though and there was hardly any traffic anywhere. Five minutes out this truck pulled up to a stop light and a witty dude-man (the term we use to describe any not so fluent guy we run across on the road) rolls down the back window of a truck with a rebel flag on the back of it and starts to bark at us. Literally bark - and growl. It was so unusual that I had to say something back. Obviously dude-man was trying to be demeaning, so I turned around and yelled back at him 'are you alright?' as if I was confused why he would be barking like a dog-man. I don't know - maybe he had gotten bit by a dog and needed a rabies shot and his only way of letting me know was by sticking his head out the window and growling. Anyways, he acted a bit startled that all 135 pounds of me acted like I wasn't scared, but then he gained his composure and dropped a few f-bombs. At this point I was just staring at him and then his fellow dude-men in the truck opened their doors as if to warn me they'd be coming out and barking as well. The light turned green and they sped off.
For some reason after remembering all this, I read through James this morning. Mainly touching on chapter 1. When it says 'slow to anger' it really hit me when I think about that little incident. I was pretty quick to let dude-man know I wasn't going to just let him bark at me although his actions didn't really warrant my response at all. Anyways, I thought about how great it would be if every time something started to bug me I just took a deep breath and blew it off instead. I don't know, It's a thought.
So tonight - as my wife and I took a bike ride guess what happened? Yeah, some dude-man started to yell out his window at us. Seriously - not kidding. What the heck right? All this, with a little help from the dyson, led me to one conclusion.... it's a dirty world out there isn't it? Oh well, I won't let it bother me too much.
I bought a sale vac about a month ago...can't remember the brand, but it was affordable; and has already lost it's ooompf. Arghh!
I used to yell out the window at people...but I was sixteen.
Nate - your matter of fact comment about yelling out windows about killed me. funny stuff bro.
Haha...that made me remember that when i was 11 or 12, a friend came over to my house and he came up with this crazy idea to throw things out the window. so we took almost everything we found and throw them out (from the 7th floor) just for fun. when my mom found out what we had done...oups...
yeah i know...i was a stupid kid but that was the first and the last time i did that.
Here's a funny story about a similar kind of thing happening to a guy I know on a bike. No barking, but there was a hotdog involved.
ewwww! That's so creepy that people are weird like that. He literally barked? what the heck?
He just randomly decided to yell at two people taking an innocent walk down the road? Man, this reminds me of how I get yelled at by guys all the time from their cars when I'm driving. It's hard to be a young single Christian girl in this world. I have literally been followed home from college, and this person even pulled into my driveway.
I now have my windows tinted real dark, and I thank God everyday for protecting me and allowing me to live another day.
You're right Chris it is a dirty world out there. Praise God, one day all that dirt is gonna be sucked right out of here. I just pray all those will get their heart right with God before it happens.
Ha, ha! This post had me laughing all the way through...I love how you put words together to make even the most serious things fun to read.
But thank God that nothing more serious than being yelled at happened to you!
Chris, I love your stories, they make me laugh! Maybe you should have meowed back! Just kidding.
But isn't it interesting how almost as soon as we decide to respond to a situation the way the Bible tells us to, God presents us with the opportunity to do just that?? I know I've missed the boat on that too many times.
Thanks for sharing with us!
I love what you wrote in your "About Me" section.
Btw...what kind of toys do you collect?
Keep rockin' and bloggin', friend! We love your blogs! ;)
That Phantom Planet disc is solid. It's funny but I hear some Arcade Fire influences on it. Especially on the more layered tracks like Raise the Dead. Did you happen to get the new Mudcrutch? I'm listening through it for the first time. Pretty good so far. Classic sound as would be expected.
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