Alot has been going on since the last post. We've had some time off the road to be home and that was super awesome. Although in the middle of it I found I had a terrible problem with my back. Turns out I have a slipped disc in my low back, the L5 - S1 disc to be exact. It's a pretty nasty little thing actually. It decided to make my leg feel crazy for the few weeks leading up to and after Christmas. After much rest and some Dr. prescribed medications I'm feeling much better and hope to avoid the all too serious fate of back surgery.
I did get to play a show with the guys on New Year's Eve in our hometown. We haven't played a show that allowed us more than 10 songs all year it feels like. Such a good feeling to play that much live again, although shows like that tend to be a blur. All the fog didn't help either. I think the lighting guy didn't know how to turn off the fog machine. My dad sent me a pic so here it is...

We got to play some new songs and I got to finally mix some live tracks in stereo rather than mono, which is a very awesome thing. It's kind of hard to explain how cool it is, but let's compare it to having a PC then getting a mac. Hopefully to most of you that's a happy thought, but it's also like having a dodge neon then getting a decked out volvo SUV. Maybe that's more like it. I decided to buy the gizmos to make it all happen while I was home recovering from the back issues. I purchased pro tools m-powered, an m-audio 410, and a tranzport wireless remote control. It's ridiculous how nice it runs on my new macbook pro. I know... blah blah blah. Dan Gartley was excited about it though.
We also had our annual sanctus Christmas party the day after the New Years show. I got some sweet vinyl like the new Paul McCartney, old T.P., and some zeppelin. I got to hang out with my pals...

We all got really nice Christmas bonuses too!! O.k. that isn't true, but I consider it a bonus we made it through another year and things are great. We couldn't be more excited about our new record that releases in february and we're getting set to do some really cool things to promote it. I think that's all for now though - it's time to get some late night Big Boy ;)
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