Can't sleep tonight. I think my schedule has been out of whack since the ball dropped. So, thanks to anyone that came to our hometown new year's show by the way. I must say it was a jolly good time ;) Still unbelievable to me how Toledo has been and continues to be so supportive. It was fun playing some new songs for everyone. The band stayed up super late the night before rehearsing the new tunes. I even had a tambourine solo planned, but was foiled by a faulty kickdrum pedal setup.
I must also say thanks to everyone that wrote in response to my last post. Sorry I'm a bit late in giving an update... We managed to get the transmission fixed thanks to some family help ;) Not sure the technical terms, but basically a part had blown causing the leak. My dad and I were able to drive it to the shop instead of getting it towed, just had to make a few stops to fill the transmission fluid. While it was in the shop though they found a few more things that needed replaced. Everything was fixed though and we made our shows in Florida later that week. By the time we got back home it was the 23rd I believe and I had some major Christmas shopping to do. Christmas was great, but wow it went by fast. Got to see some old friends so that was nice. And here I am now finally recovering from it all. Which means I should really be in bed.
OMG!!! i was there and it was so incredible...yes yes i was the one with the chris sign. emm and i thought we really annoyed you, though :) sorry about that. happy new year!!!
I was there also and it was so great. I love that talent like you all have comes from our city. So many people have bad things to say about the Toledo area...but I can honestly say this...we have so many wonderful God loving, Christian, good hearted people here. Thank you Cedar Creek and Sanctus Real for brining in the New Year the only way we should...praising God for every moment we have!
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