Hey there. It's been a busy couple of weeks over here. Since the last time I wrote I think we've been in Seattle, Nashville, Virginia, Maryland, Texas, and Oregon. There were a few places there between - 4 hour layover in Phoenix (allowed for a cab ride to In N Out) and late night driving through the great state of Pennsylvania. I've definitely seen more of PA under the moonlight than during the daytime. Dominique and I decided to head north for the weekend and made it up to Frankfort Michigan last week. Her parents have a great place up there so we try to hit it up when gas dips below 4 bucks. We love to look at furniture - neat huh? There's a cool place up there we always go to called
Betsie Bay Furniture. Yeah, nothing in there is too affordable so we just look. Everything in this town is on the main strip really, including an old movie theater - with one showing during the weekends. We decided to walk down and see hancock one night and it was a good little movie. Hit up the beach in Empire and talked about baby names. WHICH by the way is the hardest thing to figure out. The biggest news right now is that we found out we're having a BOY! Yeah - check him out...

How crazy is that!! We can't wait. Between shows and traveling we've been getting some things ready for the little guy around here. Took a trip to the outlet mall and got him this guy at pottery barn...

I think he'll dig it. We have some awesome baby furniture coming next week too. Can't wait to put that all together ;) I might have to get Dan Gartley to help since way back when Dominique and I got our first place he helped me move all the furniture. I think it was like his first trip to Toledo - we had just met and I had him help move heavy things in the rain. Really, I was just preparing him for life on the road. So far so good. Now I just need to sell him one of my cars ;)
Congrats again on Chris Jr coming soon!
I still haven't seen y'alls house. I'm just sayin'.
Love you!
Excellent! Congrats, bro! Boys are awesome. Well, I'm sure girls are too, but I've only got boys, so...
So as I told you before, it's okay if you let Matt think you name baby Matthew after him and not me. I'll know what the truth is. haha!
Glad you enjoyed Michigan. We try to keep it nice around here for you.
woohoo...Chris Jr.!! :)
Oh, a boy! Congratulations! ;)
Congratulations, Chris!!!!
It blows my mind how clear sonograms are these days.... you can see his precious little nose & mouth!
I can already see he is a handsome little lad!
do you think he'll have sweet curly locks like yours?! hahah. :]
yay for baby Rohman!
Hey, is sooo good to hear from you, thanks for the update and awesome pics. Congrats on baby boy Rohman. Make sure you bring lots of pics to the concerts, lol
Much love to you, your family and SR boys.
Be blessed!
aww! He is so cute already! thats just to exciting, yeah for Michigan, its a nice place up here! :)
Congrats to you & Dominique!! How did I miss hearing the news that she's pregnant?? When is she due?
I wish Craig & I could make it to your show in Perrysburg, but it's during our work week, so we won't be able to do a road trip there. Sorry! We'll remember you guys in prayer while you're on the road though, as always!
Take care & God bless!
I would never buy that piece of crap car. It's missing the rear hood. Seriously.
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