OK - a few thoughts before I get to bed. First I need to mention that if you have seen the new episode on sanctusreality then you've probably unnoticeably seen one of the greatest bass players of all time hanging out with us. His name is Adam Nitti. Look him up on youtube.
Second - Last week I went to a big box electronic store and asked the music manager if he would tell me how many of a certain blue looking CD had sold. I was curious beacause a few weeks prior I happened to notice that they were stocked up with like 25 cds! I looked again and now there were like 3 left. I wanted to know if they had actually sold or had been sent back. I mean - wouldn't you like to know too? So as I'm talking to the guy he casually says 'I bought that CD.' Surprised I said, 'Cool. Is it any good?' He said 'Yeah.' So that was cool. Turns out that this particular store is making about 37 bucks a week in profit off of sanctus real according to their computer. Then I started to think if that might be more than....
Third - I just realized tonight that weezer came out with a new record last week. Not sure If i'm going to buy it.
Fourth - I got my hair cut today and while talking to my hair dresser (is that a proper term or is it stylist) I realized I've never seen any of the Lord of the RIngs movies or Harry Potter movies - or the narnia movies. This could explain some things. Other than that though I think I'm a pretty normal guy. I mean I love chocolate cake.
goodnight ;)